This is the partial help list for Cobra 2.0 Modbot, keep in mind it's still in development and some command may not be listed yet (I have to manually add the commands)

() is optional [] is mandatory, {} denotes subcommand (also mandatory)

There are 2 prefixes to prevent compatiblity with otherbots useing the same prefix (as of right now there are no prefix change commands) ">" and "!co" also you can @ mention the bot

Backup system: (Restricted To Administrator Perms)

>>bcreate Makes backup, sends [ID] to user's dm

>>bload [id] Load Backup

>>binfos [id] Get info on backup.


>setlogging Sets a channel called "log" for the bot to dump it's logs to. Restricted to Permissions.Administrator

>assign {muterole} [@role] Sets a the mute role, Restricted to Permissions.Administrator

>al [status] Checks to see weather alt lockdown is enabled. Restricted to Permissions.Administrator

>al [enable] [days] Locks down server so only accounts older than [days] can join the server. Restricted to Permissions.Administrator

>al [disable] Disables alt lockdown. Restricted to Permissions.Administrator

>pc Effectivly wipes a channel by cloning it and remaking it.

>hackban [@mention] [reason] Bans a user whoisnt in a guild.

>purge [number] (@mention) (filter) [string] If you use a filter, string is mandatory.

>kick [@mention ][reason] Kicks member and provides a reason in #log

>warn [@mention] [reason] Provides a warning for a user in #log

>ban [@mention] [reason] Bans user and provides reason in #log

>an [text] Makes annoucements, restricted to @everyone perms to prevent abuse.

>role [user] [rolename] Assigns role, to prevent abuse any role with Administrator and ManageGuild is not allowed.

>removerole [user] [rolename] Same thing as above, to prevent abuse any role with Administrator and ManageGuild is not allowed to be removed.

>mute [@mention] [reason] Mutes User

>unmute [@mention] [reason] Unmutes User

>serverinfo Displays serverinfo

Purge filters:

-Bots Purges any message sent by a bot.

-Bot Purges any message sent by a bot.

-Match [string] Gets messages that matches a sentence.

-Starts [string] Gets message that starts with a word.

-Links Self Explanatory

-Link Self Explanatory

-Images Self Explanatory

-Endswith [string] Ending with a string

-Humans Anyone who isnt a bot

-Invites Self Explanatory


>gt [text] Mimics 4chans greentext. (Broken due to the way DISCORD handled css code blocks)

>vote [Voting Text] Make a vote.

>i Generates ai inspirational quotes.

>rslash [subreddit] Restricted to NSFW Channels

>stock [USA STOCK] Provides info on given stock.

>profile [USA STOCK] Provides info on given company.

>kiss [@user] Kiss a person!

>behead [@user] (Requires NSFW Channel)

>cat Meow!

>doggo DOGGOS!

>fox Displays cute foxes!

>av (@user) Display's user avatar.

>kanye Display's a kanye quote.

>pp [@user] Displays PPSizeā„¢ of user mentioned. (Requires NSFW Channel)

>botinfoDisplays bot info

>whois (@mention) Whois a user.

>up Total Uptime.

>ping Pong!.

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